Baghouse Collectors
Baghouse collectors can provide a reliable and cost-effective solution to your dust collection needs. When used in the right applications they have several distinct advantages over other system styles. has a complete line of cartridge collectors to fit your application. Learn more below or contact us for a free quote today!
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Pulse Jet Baghouses
Baghouse are the most versatile dust collector style and can be used in all applications. Baghouse collectors with traditional bag filters are preferred for applications with larger or mixed range of dust particle sizes, heavier dust loading, fibrous/sticky dusts or higher temperatures (normally up to 550F, in some cases up to 750F with specialty fabrics). The filters in baghouses have a much longer useful service life compared to cartridges and can handle much harsher applications.
We manufacture several styles of pulse jet baghouses to fit different applications and customer preferences. In most cases, we recommend our top entry baghouse lines. These models allow for quick and easy access to the snap band filter bags, and allow for easy removal of individual bags without having to remove others. Our top entry models come with the option for top hatch access or an enclosed walk-in plenum. We also offer bottom access baghouses (also called bottom/side loading) for use in applications with limited overhead clearance. Additionally, our top and bottom load units are also available in special configurations such as bin vents for use on silos, mixers, etc., as well as square, round or rectangular layout and high inlet options for overcoming high interstitial velocity (can velocity) issues.
Cartridge Collectors
For certain applications, cartridge collectors provide distinct advantages over baghouses. Because cartridges pack in more fabric area into a smaller space they can be much smaller than baghouses for the same airflow. They also will have fewer filters and these can be replaced from outside the collector, which greatly reduces potential safety hazards while reducing labor costs and time required to change filters. Applications well-suited to cartridge collectors include those with very fine, light dust and moderate dust loading and temperatures such as powder coating, metalworking, bulk material handling, sanding, blasting, fume collection, pharmaceutical manufacturing, thermal spray, welding, and certain woodworking processes among others.
Contact Us
3172 N. Rainbow Blvd. Unit #5105
Las Vegas, NV 89108
Phone: (702) 848-3990
Explore Our Filtration Solutions
About is a leading manufacturer of baghouse dust collection systems and equipment with 40+ years of experience serving all industries.