Caso de Estudio: Mejoras operativas en Blue Diamond Growers


Blue Diamond Growers facilities in Central California
Blue Diamond Growers is an agricultural cooperative that specializes in California almonds. Founded in 1910, is the world's largest tree nut processing and marketing company.

Blue Diamond Growers, an almond processing facility in central California, required a large and complex ductwork modification and installation of HEPA filters on several dust collection systems  to balance building pressure and improve air quality. The project involved routing return air from their dust collectors back into the building and installing high-efficiency HEPA filters to ensure the return air was dust-free. Additionally, the added HEPA filters required existing dirty air ductwork to be rerouted around the new equipment.

Scope of Work

Blue Diamond Growers needed to balance pressure within their facility to reduce energy costs and maintain air quality. This required significant re-routing of ductwork, designing custom HEPA housings, and transitions. They also needed to install particulate sensors and differential pressure gauges with remote monitoring capability.

Solution responded to a request for a quote and developed the final work scope after a job walk and reviewing 3D scans of the facility. The engineering deliverables included 2D layouts, 3D CAD files of the dust collection systems, and general arrangement drawings of the equipment.

3D design of a dust collector and the ductwork
The engineering deliverables included 2D layouts, 3D CAD files of the dust collection systems, and general arrangement drawings of the equipment.
3D drawing of the ductwork installed in Blue Diamond Growers
Re-routing the ductwork and designing custom HEPA housings helped to balance pressure within their facility to reduce energy costs and maintain air quality.

Installation Challenges

The project had to be completed within an extremely tight schedule, as the customer could only take their production offline for one week. The existing ductwork’s complexity, with many tight clearances and multiple duct sizes and inlets, posed a challenge. The ductwork had to be re-routed around the new HEPA filter housings logically to minimize static pressure from added elbows and unions.


The project was completed within about four months, resulting in a perfectly balanced facility for the first time. Blue Diamond Growers significantly reduced their energy usage, is able to keep their climate-controlled and refrigerated areas cool, and has significantly minimized the risk of pulling in outside dust or contaminants. The upgrade also reduced the overall heating and cooling costs in the facility.

Conclusión provided Blue Diamond Growers with a comprehensive solution that improved air quality and facility efficiency. The successful implementation of the dust collection upgrade has led to significant energy savings and operational improvements.

Would you like to know how a technical inspection and a system report al could improve the efficiency of your operations? 

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